Just recently I had a great opportunity to travel to 3 of the Sioux Nation reservations in South Dakota and service their Toshiba Aquilion CT scanners. I spent time on the Pine Ridge, Rosebud, and Cheyenne river reservations. While driving between these sites I listened to The Journey of Crazy Horse by Joseph Marshall III.
It was exhilarating to listen to this audio book while traveling across the very land Crazy Horse fought so hard for. My family on both sides are from South Dakota and I spent a lot of my youth traveling from one side to the other visiting family. I had however never ventured so far off of the beaten path as I did this trip.
The Sioux people have faced unimaginable hardships over the years from conquering armies, substance abuse, and poverty. I believe they are now gaining momentum to shake these off and build a better future for their people.
Due to COVID-19 my interactions were limited, but those I did meet were wonderful people. I hope to visit this beautiful place again hopefully without the restraints of the virus and really get to know these people.
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